Allusion is an installation that addresses space through multiple facets that make it philosophically and aesthetically part of the environment it inhabits. This work aims to transform the library and bring attention to its distinctive subtle elements. Inspired by the quiet yet constant activity of the library, this work suggests the interconnectivity between the environment and its patrons using drawings that also relate strongly to sculpture and fibers-based art. Incorporating large black burlap forms, each piece encounters space in an individual but holistic way. The various features of this installation reflect aspects of the site including not only characteristics of the gallery, but also the adjacent library space and the buildings outside it. Connections between these burlap pieces create a layered space that pushes and pulls within individual pieces as well as within the overall installation and experience of the work.
Mixed media on black burlap with components
DImensions variable
February 6 - March 27, 2016

Black burlap and components Dimensions variable

Black burlap with components Dimensions variable

Puff paint on window screen, black burlap with removed threads, and painted tape 2 pieces, each 24 x 24"

Black burlap, interior fabric, thread, paper clips, and red fishing line 3 pieces, each 18 x 156"

Black burlap with removed threads Dimensions Variable

Painter's tape on black burlap with removed threads, 80 x 72"

Spray paint, painted tape, tulle, and netting on black burlap, 192 x 56" Window screen, tracing paper, and wood, 96 x 120"

Spray paint, painted tape, mesh, and tulle on black burlap Dimensions variable

Black burlap with components Dimensions variable